Editing Services

First Three Chapters Critique
I will provide a detailed line edit of your first three chapters, up to 7500 words. Notes will include comments on grammar, usage, pacing, story arc, inciting incident, etc.
(Note: If your chapters are very short, you may submit up to 7500 words regardless of the number of chapters. Please end at a reasonable breaking point in your narrative.)
​Cost: $150

Full Manuscript Critique
​I will provide a detailed line edit of your completed and proofread manuscript. Notes will include everything in the First Three Chapters Critique, with the addition of an editorial letter with suggestions on how to improve your story.
Cost: $0.015 per word
(e.g. .015 x 50,000 = $750)

Copy Editing: Full Manuscript
I will provide a clean copy edit of a manuscript slated for publication.
First-pass Copy Edit (includes checking for consistency in story details such as names, spellings, etc.):
Cost: $0.015 per word
(e.g. .015 x 50,000 = $750)
Final-pass Copy Edit (for well-edited manuscripts that need a final cleaning):
Cost: $0.0125 per word
(e.g. .0125 x 50,000 = $625)
My specialty is middle grade and young adult fiction; however, I will consider adult manuscripts on a per-project basis.
I will edit all genres EXCEPT the following: erotica, horror, or anything sexually explicit or graphically violent. Fiction and narrative non-fiction only.
If you are interested in hiring me for your project, please reach out at jillian.boehme@gmail.com with the title, genre, and word count of your completed manuscript.
Payment policy: 50% down, 50% due upon completion
Robin Gregory, author
I enthusiastically recommend (Jill Boehme) for editing. Her manuscript evaluation of my debut, young adult novel, The Improbable Wonders of Moojie Littleman, improved characterization, structure, pacing, and voice.
I credit her insight and expertise for helping the book win numerous awards, including Kirkus Reviews’ Best Books of the Year. I look forward to working with her on my upcoming projects.
Monica B. Wagner, author
Jill is the sweetest gal evah! Also, she's super smart and also the most amazing editor. When she CP'd for me, she gave me so many awesome suggestions that I ended up adding like over 10k words, fleshing things out! She's always supporting writers, helping out, creating fun blog contests, getting people to sign with agents, and I adore her for that!
Vance Basilio, client
I sent Jill the 29th draft of my novel, with the intention of only receiving a few grammatical and spelling changes. The copy I received back, however...addressed everything from plot holes to inconsistent characters, unbelievable coincidences to clichéd scenes, shallow motives to unrealistic backstories.
With each of her comments addressed, the move from my 29th draft to my 30th ended up being the most valuable shift into having a professional manuscript to submit. Within a short month, I went from having zero Requests for Full Manuscript to receiving multiple requests from agents in Canada and the U.S.
In my opinion, her manuscript critique isn't a nice-to-have, it's almost required. It's the single stepping stone to not only improving your final manuscript, but to improving your writing style as a whole.
I fully recommend it!